Foreigners' Lack of Understanding

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

"Bush on Mark Foley"

October 3 2006 President George W. Bush had this to say about former Rep. Mark Foley's indecent conducts:

President Bush said Tuesday (October 3, 2006) he was "disgusted" by the accusations surrounding Foley.

"I was dismayed and shocked to learn about Congressman Foley's unacceptable behavior," he said while visiting George W. Bush Elementary School in Stockton, California. "I was disgusted by the revelations and disappointed that he would violate the trust of the citizens who placed him in office."


He should have said the same thing about Thaksin Shinawatra's rape of Thailand rather than criticizing the coup that toppled the most corrupt regime!!

Thanks for your lack of good judgment and your rush to condemn!! We will remember it.